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Product Carbon Footprint

Product carbon footprint calculation provides valuable information on the environmental performance of products and services throughout their lifecycle from the perspective of climate change. The results of product carbon footprint calculation can be utilized in a variety of ways, such as in product development, sustainable design, research and development, as well as in communication and marketing. Our experienced expert team conducts product carbon footprint calculations tailored to your needs—customer-focused, high-quality, and reliable.

Product carbon footprint calculation investigates the greenhouse gas emissions produced during the product's lifecycle. The carbon footprint is typically evaluated over the entire lifecycle – from cradle to grave – allowing the identification of the most significant lifecycle stages and their contribution to the overall carbon footprint. Alternatively, the assessment can be limited to cover only certain lifecycle stages, such as cradle to gate, or consider only the use phase. As part of sustainable design, carbon footprint calculation can also assess the impact of material selection and consumption, as well as the effects of energy consumption and types on the environmental performance of a product.

We offer product carbon footprint calculations for various purposes

At Etteplan, we offer product carbon footprint calculations for various essential purposes:

  • Internal purposes: We offer lighter product carbon footprint calculations (also known as screening-level assessments), particularly useful in internal R&D projects, procurement decisions for evaluating alternative materials and components, and in comparing products and technologies during the pilot or design phase.
  • Funding Applications: We conduct product footprint assessments that adhere strictly to the calculation rules specified in your funding applications.
  • Public Stakeholder Communication: We produce assessments suitable for public stakeholder communication, providing reliable and verified information about the environmental impacts of your products. We also assist in enhancing communication transparency and reliability.

Through product carbon footprint calculation, we generate information and support our clients in reducing climate change impacts, especially regarding product manufacturing, the adoption of innovative technologies, and material choices. We have served clients from numerous sectors, including plastics, chemicals, energy production, recycling business, electronics, as well as the textile, construction, food and forest industry, and are happy to welcome all new companies from all business areas to collaborate with us.

Strong expertise in standards and calculation guidelines

We always conduct carbon footprint calculations in accordance with the generally accepted standards and guidelines for lifecycle assessment relevant to the industry being examined. International standards guide carbon footprint calculations: lifecycle assessment standards (ISO 14040 and 14044), product carbon footprint calculation standards (ISO 14067), and the GHG Protocol. If necessary, applicable product category rules (PCR) are followed.

The scope or purpose of the carbon footprint assessment may also lead to a lighter review or implementation based on other calculation rules or guidelines. However, we carry out our assessments always with commitment to high quality and accuracy, regardless of the scope and purpose of the study.

Carbon footprint calculation stages:


Project definition

Together, we discuss the content and scope of the study, considering the goals and intended use.


Project initiation

In the kick-off meeting, we agree on project boundaries, timelines, and operational methods.


Data collection

We prepare data collection forms for you to fill out and, if necessary, gather information from other supply chain actors. We guide and advise you on appropriate and sufficiently accurate data collection.


Calculation, modeling, and reporting

We use commercial life cycle assessment software and high-quality databases for calculations and modeling.


Internal quality assurance

Quality assurance of results, models, and reports including benchmarking results.


Presentation of results and next steps

We present results transparently and comprehensively, providing recommendations for reducing environmental impacts.

Our team’s broad and diverse expertise

We apply a proven framework, honed over decades, to drive projects to successful completion. With over ten years of experience in carbon footprint calculations for various products, services, and systems, alongside our top-tier environmental expertise, we deliver valuable information to support your decision-making and build more sustainable solutions. We assist you throughout all project stages, ensuring smooth and flexible workflows while minimizing your resource needs.

We always work customer-focused, concentrating on the essentials and sticking to the facts. We openly discuss results, calculations, and methodologies, clarifying the conclusions and areas for improvement identified through the results to help reduce your carbon footprint.

Contact us regardless of your industry, and let’s discuss a carbon footprint calculation tailored to your needs!

Discover also our Life Cycle Assessment and Carbon Handprint services.

We also offer organizational carbon footprint calculation

Organizational or corporate carbon footprint calculation is key to sustainable business operations and climate impact management. Etteplan offers comprehensive organizational carbon footprint calculation that helps you identify your company's most significant greenhouse gas emission sources and build an effective roadmap for emission reduction.

Related reference cases

Screening-level product carbon footprint calculation supports Fifth Innovation’s development of bio-based building materials

Product carbon footprint helps Lasiliiri provide reliable information on the environmental performance of its products

The corporate carbon footprint calculation and climate roadmap help VEO achieve its climate goals

The climate roadmap made in cooperation with Etteplan supports Molok Oy’s responsibility work and the achievement of climate goals

The carbon footprint calculations support the carbon neutrality target under the Stormossen’s strategy

Carbon footprint of southwestern Finland waste management

LCA and carbon footprint studies made it easier to set goals for the development of own operations

Carbon footprint of Finnish National Opera and Ballet

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Lassi Leinonen

Project Manager

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