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One of my colleagues said; ‘you just get all the strange projects, don’t you?’, and I think I might, but I really enjoy it.

Walter Westerdahl, Mechanical Engineer

I was curious about the world and wanted to work in a global company

Valeryi Parkouski, Senior Hardware Design Engineer

Jag vill själv kunna anpassa min tid så mycket som möjligt för att hitta en bra balans mellan arbetsansvar, fritidsaktiviteter och mitt sociala liv.

Hongdi Wang, Senior Engineer

I think it’s inspiring that our customer chose to build a whole machine themselves. I’ve learned so much and I really like to see companies who dare to make these kinds of investments.

Hannes Olsson, Mechanical Engineer

Det roligaste med min ledarroll är att se andra människor växa, att hjälpa dem att komma dit de vill och att vara med på den resan

Anna Höyer, Area Manager

Jag vill påstå att det här är den perfekta platsen om du är intresserad av saker som produktutveckling, programvara, inbyggda system, elektronik eller maskinvara. Så jag tycker att det är en underbar arbetsplats.

Antti Varis, Senior Electronics Design Engineer

Having found a truly stimulating and supportive group of colleagues really makes the hassle of emigrating multiple times worth it.

Ruud van Tiel, Mechanical Design Engineer

If you are interested in developing professionally and if you like challenges; it is very inspiring to work as a consultant at Etteplan. Here you have the opportunity to get the support you want to fulfill your career goals.

Gunnar Prieditis, Sales & Project Manager