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Szymon Kacperek: Logic, Precision, and Satisfaction 

Szymon Kacperek works as a Software Design Engineer at Etteplan Poland in Poznan. After graduating from Automatic Control and Robotic studies at Poznan University of Technology, he was looking for a job. It wasn't an easy task due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Job offers only started to appear after few months. Szymon signed a contract with a company in Poznan, but in the meantime, he had an interview with his current manager Daniel. "The meeting with Daniel positively surprised me. He appreciated my additional work and involvement in various projects during my studies. It didn't matter much to anyone in previous companies. However, during the technical interview with Tomasz, my knowledge was thoroughly verified," recalls Szymon. Despite having insufficient experience, Szymon was given the opportunity to intern at the company. He then joined Etteplan as an employee. 

Initially, Szymon was involved in both front-end and back-end aspects of the project, but later he focused solely on front-end work. "Since November, I have moved on to working in the back-end and programming language C++. Working on abstractions and building systems from scratch gives me satisfaction, even though it may not be visible to end users. Back-end is where the logic takes center stage," emphasizes Szymon. 

Szymon enjoys working at the office: "In Poznan, we have a great terrace with a beautiful view of Warta River and Cathedral," he highlights, but it's not just that which is important to him. "During work, I value access to good equipment that helps me efficiently complete tasks," he adds. The atmosphere is also crucial: "While working at Etteplan, I have never felt pressure or stress. Of course, I would worry when a project was nearing completion and about to be implemented. However, it was never stress in the negative sense of the word," says Szymon.