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Magdalena Piszko: Teamwork makes the dream work!

Magdalena Piszko is an example of a professional who builds her career in technical writing with passion and determination. Her story shows how one can advance from the position of Documentation Specialist to that of a Team Leader, bringing valuable experience and skills to the organization.

Magdalena began her adventure with technical documentation in 2016, towards the end of her studies. Although she is an engineer by education and a graduate of Computer Science and Management at the Wrocław University of Technology, she went into the direction of technical documentation.

"Translating from technical language into something more understandable for the 'common man' is what fascinated me. In this work, you need someone who knows many things, but can convey and explain them in a simple way," emphasizes Magda.

Her talent and commitment were noticed by Agata, HR Manager at Etteplan. The two of them arranged a job interview, which was conducted by Hanna Makowska, TCS Area Manager. During her 5 years of work at this company, Magda has developed greatly and has been promoted from the position of Documentation Specialist, through Senior Documentation Specialist, to the position of Team Leader. Observing the dynamic development of the TCS team - from 8 to nearly 30 people - Magda notes that TCS is growing in strength because the awareness of the importance of technical documentation is growing.

"The market is changing, and companies need professional help in this area," she explains.

As a Team Leader, Magda, together with her colleague Maciej, supports Piotr Garbela, Area Manager, in managing the team, running projects and supporting new members. In her opinion, the keys here are the interpersonal and consultative skills that she has been developing over the years.

"The difference between a Regular and a Senior is that there are a few more responsibilities. However, being a Team Leader, the human aspect is emphasized - the relationships between team members and building an advisory role," she distinguishes.

My current task reflects the value of Smarter Together. By talking about projects, supporting each other and sharing our experience, we can do more for both our Clients and ourselves. The strength of a team is undeniable – it's greater than the sum of its parts. Teamwork makes the dream work!" she sums up.

Magda's career shows that consistent building of competence, openness to new challenges and the ability to work in a team are the keys to success. She is an example of a professional who shapes her career path with passion and determination, bringing valuable experience and skills to the organization in which she works.