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Leadership Profiles: Agata Rogowska

In the Leadership Profiles series, we present employees who, while working at Etteplan, act according to our values, promoting a culture of growth and innovation. The person who fully deserves our attention is Agata Rogowska, HR Manager in Poland.

1. How do you see yourself as a leader?

As a leader, I focus on my team and support managers in achieving goals. I resonate with the concept of "servant leader," meaning a leader who helps the team execute tasks, provides direction, collaborates, but does not take over.

I strive to give my team the space to act and take responsibility for various issues. I allow room for mistakes and learning from them. I create an environment where the team can develop their ideas and solve problems.

In the role of a leader, it’s not about being the smartest person in the room. A leader should ask the right questions and listen to others to make the most informed decisions. That’s why I frequently ask my team for their opinions and encourage the exchange of views.

I believe support departments should understand business needs and deliver real value. My job as a leader is to provide the team with context and ensure understanding of business aspects.

I think that in today’s reality, we need logical and sound-minded leaders who can prioritize and resolve dilemmas.

Personal and professional development is important to me, so I support my team in growing and strive to create an environment for taking on new challenges. I also take care of my own development. Currently, I am participating in a mentoring program organized by the "Woman Leadership in Business" Foundation, and in March, I will begin a series of six meetings focused on communication.

2. How does Etteplan support you as a leader and your development in this role?

I must admit that Etteplan greatly supports my development. My leadership journey began in 2020 when I accepted the role of HR Manager. Initially, I worked with one person in the department, but over the four years, the team has grown by six more members.

Throughout my time as a manager, I have met many kind people at Etteplan who have supported me in this role. Both my supervisor and Maciej entrusted me with significant confidence, believing that I would succeed. The awareness that I am part of a team and have support empowered me to take action. Along the way, I also encountered some challenging moments that strengthened me and shaped me as a leader.

My team plays a crucial role in my development. Their feedback allows me to assess what I can improve in my work and which initiatives are worth pursuing.

3. How would you describe the organizational culture at Etteplan?

Organizational culture in a company reminds me of human DNA. Each of us brings our values, attitudes, and a unique set of traits to the organization, and this distinctive mix creates our culture.

Everyone in the organization is responsible for the company's culture. We cannot transfer the responsibility for culture to a single function, like HR. We all share this responsibility, with a slight emphasis on management.

In our DNA, I find many traits of Scandinavian work culture, such as a focus on employee well-being and a healthy work-life balance, which I see as a significant asset. I strive to maintain this balance and, after periods of intense work, I spend time with my family and dedicate myself to my interests. Initially, this was a challenge for me, as work is my passion, and I often found myself losing the right perspective.

4. How do you feel that you have a real impact on the company's culture?

The source of my satisfaction is authentic contact with other people. That’s why, whenever I can, I work from the office and initiate face-to-face meetings. I value open and transparent communication, as well as a culture of feedback, because I see immense potential in them for developing skills and enhancing work quality. I strive to strengthen this culture within our organization by both asking for feedback and providing it.

I believe my strong suit is networking and building relationships. I feel comfortable making connections and creating new collaborations. In the HR role, this is especially important, as it enables us to foster a culture of cooperation within the company, integrate different perspectives, and build lasting relationships.

I enjoy driving initiatives and observing how implemented actions yield tangible results that shape our organizational culture. I’m referring to activities like various events, fundraisers, competitions, or board game meetings organized by the HR, Administration, and Marketing teams. Each of these initiatives not only enriches our organizational culture but also builds engagement and strengthens bonds.

5. What do the three most important values upheld at Etteplan, namely Forward Focus, Bold Thinking, and Smarter Together, mean to you?

For me, our values are the foundation of our culture. They serve as the company’s ‘periscope,’ guiding our shared direction. They hold significant importance for me in the context of our strategy and development. Currently, Forward Focus resonates with me the most, as we are on the verge of implementing a new strategy.

6. How do these values translate into practice?

Smarter Together manifests in teamwork, knowledge sharing, and learning from one another, along with mutual support. With Smarter Together, the team can create better solutions and tackle tough problems. Diversity within the team is our strength, and I truly value it.

The value of Bold Thinking represents courage in thought and action. It encourages challenging the ‘status quo,’ questioning established patterns, and taking risks. Practically, this means being open to new solutions and implementing improvements and innovations that deliver business benefits.

Forward Focus means being future-oriented. It involves tracking trends and changes in the market, especially in areas related to AI competencies. When making decisions, I always consider their impact on the future.

Each of these three values reflects change and growth. They help us step outside our comfort zone, realize bold ideas, and work together towards our goals.

7. If you could give one piece of advice on any topic, what would it be?

In a world that often highlights individual achievements, remember that true success comes from collective effort. Build trust, communicate openly, and support collaboration, as these are the foundations of any great team.