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Meet your colleagues

At Etteplan you will be working with over 4000 of the smartest technology specialists in 8 different countries, 3 different continents. Meet some of your colleagues!

Meet your colleagues

Highlights of the year: How we worked smarter together

Solving complex challenges and moving toward the world we want to see takes more than solitary heroes; it demands a collective effort. That's why we at Etteplan take great pride in working smarter together.

Meet your colleagues

Valeryi Parkouski: Building a global career

"There are many very positive people here who support each other and are willing to cooperate together. People are the greatest asset of this company."

Meet your colleagues

I am very grateful for the opportunities and assignments I have had, even though I don’t have an extensive years-long career history yet. Such opportunities have definitely been a big plus about working at Etteplan. I’m happy about the experience and all the learnings I’ve been able to bring to my current role after returning to Finland

Marko Merikko, Documentation Specialist

Nothing has been impossible to solve, the interest in technology and the desire for employees to develop has always been there.

Viktor Neuman, Test Engineer

Our fuel is humor, community and generosity, both in terms of knowledge and friendship.

Melissa Wieslander, Techincal writer

While working at Etteplan, I have never felt pressure or stress. Of course, I would worry when a project was nearing completion and about to be implemented. However, it was never stress in the negative sense of the word

Szymon Kacperek, Software Design Engineer

I was interested in the scope of responsibilities and the fact that I worked on real tasks,

Bartosz Hornicki, Software Design Engineer

You are appreciated a lot and have the opportunity to prove yourself

Jens Struckmann, Group Manager