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Etteplan continues to deliver Asset Information Services to Ellevio

News – Published: 28.08.2024 10:00:00

Etteplan News release, August 28, 2024
Etteplan continues to deliver Asset Information Services to Ellevio

Etteplan has won the agreement to continue to deliver Asset Information Management to the Swedish energy company Ellevio, following a six month procurement process. Etteplan has provided these services to Ellevio since 2017.

“I have been involved with our delivery to Ellevio for several years now and I am happy that we can continue this cooperation to increase the value and quality of Ellevio’s Asset Information, their ways of working and to increase the understanding of the information’s importance, ” says Lina Bäckman, Manager, Asset Information Management Solutions at Etteplan.

“We are excited to continue and develop our cooperation with Etteplan as a supplier for services within information management. The industry and we are in the middle of a journey of change where reliable and accessible asset information is becoming increasingly important. Privious deliveries from Etteplan and the expertise that they bring to this agreement make us feel safe to continue that journey together, ” says Jonas von Euler-Chelpin, Director Maintenance at Ellevio.

The agreement involves handling Ellevios asset information, and making sure the operation and maintenance receive the correct information at the right time. Furthermore, Etteplan increases the quality of the existing information in addition to making sure that new information meets the information requirements in investment projects. The agreement covers three years with the possibility of a two year extension, two times.

For more information:
Lina Bäckman, Manager, Asset Information Management Solutions, Etteplan, tel. +46 72 452 05 35
Jonas von Euler-Chelpin, Director Maintenance, Ellevio AB, tel. +46 72 186 8891

Etteplan in brief

Etteplan is a growing technology service company with the purpose of bringing people and technologies together to change things for the better. Together with our customers, we are building a world where every system, process, and product can be made smarter, more efficient, and more sustainable. Our customers include world’s leading companies in the manufacturing industry. In 2023, we had a turnover of EUR 360.0 million and around 4,000 professionals in Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Denmark and China. Etteplan's shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd under the ETTE ticker.