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Etteplan continues collaboration with the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency

News – Published: 23.08.2024 13:00:00

Etteplan News release, August 23, 2024

Etteplan continues collaboration with the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency

Etteplan has again won the competitive bidding process to provide services to the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency, and will continue the partnership for the next five years. The expert service agreement includes information engineering, technical writing and illustration, as well as content publishing. Etteplan has been providing services to the Transport Infrastructure Agency for the past three years, having won the initial competitive bidding process in 2021.

“We are pleased that Etteplan’s efficiency and services are seen as highly competitive in the market, ” says Kimmo Kallio, Vice President, Etteplan’s Technical Communication Solutions in Finland. “During the new contract period we can continue developing the services and bring additional value to the governmental organization’s technological progress. Going forward, we can enrich our services by leveraging the benefits of AI and further support the agency’s goals related to information distribution, by improving its quality and speed, ” Kallio explains.

The Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency is responsible for the development and maintenance of the state road, rail, and maritime transport infrastructure and the coordination of transport and land-use. In addition, it is also responsible for arranging traffic control and winter navigation. Through these tasks it promotes wellbeing in society and competitiveness of Finnish industry.

For more information
Kimmo Kallio, Vice President, Technical Communication Solutions in Finland, Etteplan, tel. +358 10 307 2928
Outi Torniainen, Marketing and Communications Director, Etteplan, tel. +358 10 307 3302

Etteplan in brief

Etteplan is a growing technology service company with the purpose of bringing people and technologies together to change things for the better. Together with our customers, we are building a world where every system, process, and product can be made smarter, more efficient, and more sustainable. Our customers include world’s leading companies in the manufacturing industry. In 2023, we had a turnover of EUR 360.0 million and around 4,000 professionals in Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Denmark and China. Etteplan's shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd under the ETTE ticker.