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Etteplan partner in AW-Energy’s wave energy com­mercia­liza­tion project

Press release – Published: 18.11.2015 9:15:00

AW-Energy has chosen Etteplan as its main engineering partner in a project to commercialize the Power Take Off (PTO) unit for the company’s patented WaveRoller technology. Etteplan is in charge of mechanical engineering and technical documentation for the product, as well as project management for the entire commercialization project.

The PTO unit is the heart of a WaveRoller power plant, converting the wave surge phenomenon into electricity. The mechanical requirements of the wave-energy-producing unit with regard to force and durability are unparalleled. The power produced by the PTO can be compared to the power generated from swinging a load of roughly 400, 000 kg at the end of a meter-long rod.

– Etteplan played an important role in designing our testing and research facilities. We know that Etteplan is able to provide the best engineering expertise for our technologically demanding product, says John Liljelund, CEO at AW-Energy.

– In wave energy, we are working with such forces for which no test-based references exist in the world. That is why most of the engineering work is based on highly demanding and progressive technical calculation models. We are extremely proud to be part of this pioneering work, says Juha Näkki, President and CEO at Etteplan.

Etteplan in brief

Etteplan provides engineering services and technical documentation solutions to the world’s leading companies in the manufacturing industry. Our services are geared to improve the competitiveness of our customers’ products and engineering processes throughout the product life cycle. The results of Etteplan’s innovative engineering can be seen in numerous industrial solutions and everyday products. In 2014, Etteplan had turnover of EUR 131.9 million. The company currently has about 2,100 professionals in Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands and China. Etteplan's shares are listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd under the ETT1V ticker.