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Etteplan qualified to the OMX GES Sustainability Finland index

News – Published: 09.01.2013 13:50:00

Etteplan Oyj has qualified to the OMX GES Sustainability Finland index. The index is calculated by NASDAQ OMX in cooperation with GES Investment Services and is a benchmark index which comprises the 40 leading NASDAQ OMX Helsinki listed companies in terms of sustainability. 

The index criteria are based upon international guidelines for environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues. The assessment and sustainability screening are performed by GES Investment Services – Northern Europe’s leading research provider for Responsible investments. OMX GES Ethical indexes have been constructed with the objective of creating indexes based on the market development of all companies listed in the four Nordic countries, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark, with companies classified as unethical excluded. 

“This is a fine recognition of Etteplan’s operations and I believe after this more private and other investors as well as funds investing in sustainable development notice Etteplan as a good investment opportunity”, says Outi-Maria Liedes, Senior Vice President, Communications and Operational Development at Etteplan. 

The review is conducted once a year in December. 

Additional information: 

Outi-Maria Liedes 
SVP, Communications & Operational Development 
Etteplan Oyj 
Tel. +358 40 756 9620