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Press release – Published: 14.09.2010 14:30:00

MORE EFFECTIVELY                                                                

Etteplan Oyj and the Swedish company Intertek Semko AB as well as Intertek      
Commercial and Electrical Division China have signed cooperation agreements that
apply to businesses in Finland, Sweden and China. The aim of the cooperation is 
to provide a service portfolio that supports customers' operations on new       
markets effectively.                                                            

Global machine and equipment manufacturers broaden their operations by entering 
new markets with new product launches and production transfers closer to new    
markets. New market entries require design of products and production and       
equipment manufacturing according to country's authority regulations and        
standards. Design needs to be based on up-to-date and accurate information of   
authority regulations and standards that often change quickly. Intertek can     
provide this information to Etteplan's customer projects enabling high quality  
and time saving in technical design work and product information management.    

Etteplan supports its customers in technology transfers with versatile technical
design and product information solutions and localization services. Cooperation,
that has commenced with Intertek, broadens service selection even further and   
functions as an effective part in customer's technology transfer project        

Etteplan has a strong technical design and product information competence as    
well as solid long term customer relationships with global machine and equipment
manufacturers operating in Nordic countries. Etteplan's strengths include       
versatile expertise services, efficient operational services and cost effective 
offshoring from company's units in China.                                       

Intertek is a leading provider of quality and safety solutions serving a wide   
range of industries around the world. Intertek has the expertise, resources and 
global reach to support its customers through its network of more than 1,000    
laboratories and offices and over 26,000 people in more than 100 countries      
around the world. Intertek Semko AB is a part of Intertek Group plc (LSE: ITRK),
which is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE   
100 index.                                                                      

Intertek's Commercial & Electrical unit provides testing and certification      
services including safety testing and certification, electromagnetic            
compatibility (EMC) testing, performance testing, and management systems        

Etteplan Oyj                                                                    

Group Communications                                                            

Additional information:                                                         
Peter Jahn, Vice President, Etteplan Enterprise Solutions, tel. +358 44 511 1533

Outi-Maria Liedes, Vice President, HR & Communications, tel. +358 40 756 9620   

Pär Zetterberg, Executive Vice President, Intertek Semko AB, tel. +46 8 750

Etteplan as a company:                                                          

Etteplan is a specialist in industrial equipment engineering and technical      
product information solutions and services. Our customers are global leaders in 
their fields and operate in areas like the automotive, aerospace and defence    
industries as well as the electricity generation and power transmission sectors,
and material flow management.                                                   

Etteplan has comprehensive competence in electronics and embedded systems       
development, automation and electrical design, mechanical design and technical  
product information solutions and services.                                     

In 2009, Etteplan had turnover of EUR 98.7 million. Etteplan's shares are listed
on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd under the ETT1V ticker.