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Press release – Published: 02.11.2009 13:00:00


Cool Engineering AB, a part of Etteplan Group offers testing and analysis       
services to add energy efficiency and to improve emission control. The company  
serves customers manufacturing trains, mobile working machines, engines and     
cars. Through its strong competence in energy efficient solutions Cool          
Engineering AB has lately received several new assignments from new customers   
and business areas.                                                             

”It is truly interesting to see how our experience and wide competence within   
testing and analyses, data acquisition as well as test equipment for vehicle    
industry can also be applied with new customers in other business areas”, says  
Arvo Siösteen, Managing Director of Cool Engineering AB.                        

One of the recently delivered products is operations desk with in-built climate 
equipment developed for CGM AB. The assignment included structure development of
both software and hardware as well as testing of climate system. The product    
development outcome is an operators desk with micro climate which can be        
adjusted by the user. The user is able to adjust different temperatures for     
upper and lower body according to personal needs and work situation. In a       
critical situation the system itself can lower the temperature with some degrees
which helps the operator to be more alert and to make the right decisions the   
situation requires.                                                             

”We develop state-of-the-art control rooms and are market leaders in our line of
business” says Pierre Schäring, Managing Director of CGM AB. “Current control   
rooms have a lot to be improved and also potential. By creating a good working  
environment with right temperature, good ergonomics and integrated systems for  
operators the productivity increases and risks for expensive standstills or     
accidents decreases. Cool Engineering's experience and competence within climate
solutions has been an important part in development work of our new operations  
desk”, continues Pierre Schäring.                                               

Etteplan Oyj                                                                    
Group Communications                                                            

For further information, please contact:                                        
Arvo Siösteen, Managing Director Cool Engineering AB, tel. +46 70 523 9568.     

About Etteplan:                                                                 
Etteplan is a specialist in industrial equipment engineering and technical      
product information solutions and services. Our customers are global leaders in 
their fields and operate in areas like the automotive, aerospace and defence    
industries as well as the electricity generation and power transmission sectors,
and material flow management.                                                   

Etteplan has comprehensive competence in electronics and embedded systems       
development, automation and electrical design, mechanical design and technical  
product information solutions and services.                                     

Etteplan's strength lies in its highly skilled employees who, being located near
to the customers, are able to develop close, long term business relationships.  
We implement solutions globally according to customer needs.                    

In 2008, Etteplan had turnover of EUR 135.3 million. The company currently has  
approximately 1,700 employees. Etteplan's shares are listed on NASDAQ OMX       
Helsinki Ltd under the ETT1V ticker.                                            

This press release is available on our website