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Stock exchange release – Published: 21.09.2007 15:30:00

The Extraordinary General Meeting of Etteplan Oyj was held today, 21 September  
2007, in Lahti. The Extraordinary General Meeting passed the motions put forward
by the Board of Directors to amend the Articles of Association, to give a share 
issue free of charge and to increase the share capital by means of reserve      

All the resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting were passed            

The Extraordinary General Meeting made the following resolutions:               

1. A resolution to amend the Articles of Association as follows:                

(i)   to delete the reference to the minimum and maximum share capital and      
      to the minimum and maximum number of shares set forth in Article 3        
      and Article 4,                                                            

(ii)  to delete the provision concerning the record date set forth in           
      Article 5,                                                                

(iii) to amend the provision concerning the election of the Chairman            
      of the Board of Directors set forth in Article 6 so that the              
      Chairman will be elected by the Board of Directors instead of             
      the shareholders meeting,                                                 

(iv)  to amend the wording concerning authorised signatories set forth          
      in Article 8 to reflect the terminology used in the existing Finnish      
      Companies Act,                                                            

(v)   to amend the entry concerning the agenda for the Annual General           
      Meeting of Shareholders set forth in Article 10 to reflect the            
      terminology used in the existing Finnish Companies Act;                   

(vi)  to amend the pre-emptive purchase obligation set forth in Article 13      
      so that the with respect to the shareholders pre-emptive purchase         
      obligation the Article contain a reference to the existing Securities     
      Market Act.                                                               

The numbering of the articles shall be amended correspondingly.                 

2. A resolution on share issue free of charge according to which the            
shareholders of the company will be issued new shares of the company in         
proportion of their current ownership. The shareholders of the company are      
entitled to have one (1) new share of the company against of each shares owned  
by them. A total of 10,089,707 new shares of the company will be issued free of 
charge in connection with the share issue.                                      

3. A resolution to increase the company's share capital by means of reserve     
increase (rahastokorotus in Finnish). In connection with the reserve increase   
the share capital of the company will be increased a total amount of 
EUR 2,477,573.25. After the share capital increase the amount of the share 
capital of the company will be EUR 5,000,000. 

Hollola, 21 September 2007                                                      

Etteplan Oyj                                                                    

Board of Directors                                                              

For additional information, please contact: Heikki Hornborg, CEO,               
tel. + 358 400 873 063                                                          

OMX Nordic Exchange in Helsinki                                                 
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