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Stock exchange release – Published: 16.03.2007 11:30:00

On 16 March 2007 Etteplan Oyj received the following notification,              
in accordance with the Securities Markets Act, of a change in a shareholding in 
the company:                                                                    

Oy Fincorp Ab (Company ID: 0599090-4) has on 12 March 2007 announced that its'  
share capital in Etteplan Oyj's share capital and voting rights has exceeded one
tenth (1/10) through share trades completed on 12 March 2007.                   

The company has closed its' forward contracts due on 16 March 2007 on a forward 
buying completed on 16 March 2007 and has bought the same amount of shares      
(426 000 shares) on forward contracts due on 21 December 2007. Therefore the    
total holding in Etteplan Oyj's share capital and voting rights does not change.
In accordance with Chapter 2, Section 9 of the Securities Markets Act, we hereby
inform the Financial Supervision Authority and Etteplan Oyj of the following:   

1. Name of target company: Etteplan Oyj                                         

2. Date when the shareholding changed: 16 March 2007                            

3. Precise proportion by share type of Etteplan Oyj's voting rights             
   and share capital:                                                           

                            No. of shares  Proportion of share                  
                                           capital and votes                    

Etteplan Oyj shares           431,515       4.33%                               

Forward contracts, due                                                          
on 21.12.2007                 741,000       7.43%                               

TOTAL                       1,172,515      11.76%                               

Etteplan Oyj's share capital is divided into a total of 9,969,277 shares, each  
of which carries one vote.                                                      

4. Shareholder's full name and Business ID:                                     

Oy Fincorp Ab, Business ID: 0599090-4                                           

Hollola, 16 March 2007                                                          

ETTEPLAN OYJ                                                                    

Heikki Hornborg                                                                 

For additional information, contact CEO Heikki Hornborg,                        
tel. +358 400 873 063                                                           

DISTRIBUTION Helsinki Stock Exchange                                            
	    Principal media