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Stock exchange release – Published: 27.10.2006 10:00:00



Favourable market situation continues.

- Consolidated revenue:      EUR 72.3 million (56.6 million)
- Operating profit:          EUR 4.7 million (2.3 million)
- Net profit:                EUR 2.9 million (1.5 million)
- Earnings per share:        EUR 0.30 (0.16)
- Personnel at the end
  of the report period:      1,530 employees (1,237)

(Figures in parenthesis refer to the corresponding period of the 
previous year, unless otherwise indicated.)

Good demand for industrial technology design services in Etteplan's 
main market area led to a significant increase in revenue. Demand for
the company's services rose noticeably not only in the Nordic countries,
but also in other market areas. On top of organic growth, this increase
resulted primarily from the acquisition of TeknikPartner AB in the 
spring. Operating profit was up thanks to a good workload level and 
internal efficiency measures. Profitability improved notably in both 
of the company's segments (Product Development and Delivery Design).

Revenue and result

Etteplan's revenue rose to EUR 72.3 million (EUR 56.6 million). 
Third-quarter revenue amounted to EUR 23.5 million (EUR 16.1 million),
second-quarter revenue to EUR 26.4 million (EUR 21.1 million) and 
first-quarter revenue to EUR 22.4 million (EUR 19.4 million).

Operating profit during the review period totalled EUR 4.7 million 
(EUR 2.3 million), representing 6.5% of revenue (4.1%). Third-quarter
operating profit amounted to EUR 1.7 million (EUR -0.2 million), 
representing 7.2% of revenue (-1.2%). Profit for the period before 
taxes and minority interest was EUR 4.6 million (EUR 2.3 million). 
Taxes amounted to EUR 1.4 million (EUR 0.6 million). Taxes have been 
periodized in line with the result for the review period.

Net profit for the period amounted to EUR 2.9 million (EUR 1.5 million).
Earnings per share were EUR 0.30 (EUR 0.16). Equity per share grew by
28.6% and was EUR 2.16 (EUR 1.68). Return on investment was up on the 
comparison period at 22.1% (17.6%).

Business operations

Etteplan operates as a partner of large and medium-sized internationally
operating industrial companies, providing industrial engineering design
services. The Group's design services are divided into two segments: 
Delivery Design and Product Development.

The Delivery Design segment provides services for the design of machinery 
and devices, as well as production facilities. Mechanical, electrical, 
automation and plant design and commissioning services are provided for 
project and equipment suppliers as well as for plant owners and operators. 
The Product Development segment provides design services for product
development. The services are based on long-term partnerships with 
customers and are aimed to ensure the customer's competitiveness in the 
future. In addition, the company has an accredited laboratory which is 
specialized in electromagnetic disturbance measurements and a unit that
specializes in information technology products and services.

Etteplan's customer base comprises equipment manufacturers and end-users
in the wood-processing industry as well as the process, automotive,
lifting and hoisting equipment and electronics industries.

Major events in the third quarter

In September, Etteplan completed the planned acquisition of the entire 
share capital of Etteplan Design Center Oy by buying a 19% holding from
KONE Corporation.

Etteplan made numerous major agreements during the report period. 
Among others the company signed an agreement for traffic telematic design 
of the truck terminal at Vaalimaa on the Russian border. Etteplan also 
supplies Ericsson AB with design and manufacturing of test systems for 
the factory in Katrineholm and participates with a significant part in
the development of an electronic system for an existing car model for 
Saab Automobile AB in Trollhättan. In addition the company has received 
several large assignments from machinery and equipment manufacturers in
the paper industry.


The Etteplan Group's operations and number of personnel have grown steadily. 
The Group's average payroll during the report period was 1,470 employees 
(1,211) and the number of staff at the end of the period was 1,530 employees 
(1,237). The number of employees rose due to the business operations 
transferred to the Group; these employees are almost solely allocated to the
implementation of customer projects. 660 people worked for the Group abroad.

Capital expenditures and financing

The Group's total capital expenditures amounted to EUR 12.3 million 
(EUR 4.8 million). The largest single investment of the report period was
the acquisition of the entire share capital of ABA TeknikPartner AB. Other 
capital expenditures were primarily earmarked for the implementation and 
development of business operations.

Etteplan's financial position was good. Total assets at 30 September 2006
amounted to EUR 52.6 million (EUR 31.4 million), representing a growth of 
67.7%. Balance sheet goodwill rose to EUR 16.2 million (EUR 6.9 million).
The Group's cash and cash equivalents as well as marketable securities 
increased to EUR 4.4 million (EUR 2.7 million). The Group's interest-bearing 
liabilities at the end of the report period totalled EUR 12.9 million 
(EUR 2.9 million). The equity ratio was 42.0% (52.0%).


The Etteplan Oyj share has been quoted in the Nordic Exchange's Small Cap
market capitalisation group in the Industrials sector as of 2 October 2006. 
Previously, the company's share was listed on the Main List of the Helsinki 
Stock Exchange.

At the end of the report period, Etteplan Oyj's share capital amounted to
EUR 2,443,232.50 and the number of its shares to 9,772,930. There was no 
increase in the company's share capital during the report period.

In accordance with the Securities Market Act, Chapter 2, Article 9, 
the company issued a notification of two changes in shareholding on 
6 September 2006. Leimark Invest Oy Ab and Ingman Finance Oy Ab's 
combined stake in Etteplan Oyj's share capital and voting rights 
exceeded 5% as a result of transactions made on 6 September 2006. 
On that date, Fincorp Oy signed an agreement whose implementation
will lead the company's holding in Etteplan Oyj's share capital and 
voting rights to exceed 5%.

On 30 September 2006, the company did not hold any of its own shares. 
The company did not transfer or buy back any of its own shares during
the review period.

The authorizations to increase the share capital, to take convertible 
loans and/or issue option rights, and buy back and transfer own shares 
(granted to the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting held 
on 29 March 2006) that were not exercised during the report period 
remain valid. The authorizations granted to the Board of Directors are 
presented in detail in a stock exchange release dated 29 March 2006. 
No authorizations were exercised during the review period.

Adoption of IFRS

Etteplan Oyj changed over to accounting and financial statement principles 
that are in line with IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) 
in its financial reporting as from 1 January 2005. Etteplan drafted its 
first full IFRS financial statements for 2005. This Interim Report has 
been prepared in accordance with IFRS recognition and measurement policies. 
The report has not been prepared in compliance with all the requirements 
of IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting.

Major events after the close of the financial period

In October, Etteplan and Larox Corporation signed a letter of intent to
broaden their two decades of design cooperation. As part of the agreement,
10 employees working on delivery project and product maintenance design 
and documentation tasks at Larox's Finnish locations will transfer to 
Etteplan as existing employees as of 1 January 2007.

On 18 October 2006, Etteplan issued a stock exchange announcement on 
the Board of Directors' decision to acquire a maximum of 80,000 of 
the company's own shares on the basis of the authorization granted by 
the Annual General Meeting on 29 March 2006. The authorization allows
shares to be obtained for use as consideration in possible acquisitions 
or for use in carrying out other structural arrangements. Any shares 
acquired can also be invalidated.

Outlook for the future

The demand situation for industrial technology design services is 
forecast to remain unchanged in all market areas.

The company's full-year revenue and result are expected to increase 
notably compared to the previous year.

The information presented herein has not been audited.

Hollola, 27 October 2006

Etteplan Oyj

Board of Directors

For additional information, contact: 
CEO Heikki Hornborg, tel. + 358 400 873 063 or 
Pia Björk, CFO, Vice President, Corporate Planning, tel. +358 400 241 815

Consolidated Income Statement
Consolidated Balance Sheet
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
Key figures

Releases and other corporate information are available on Etteplan's 
website at

Helsinki Stock Exchange
Principal media

(EUR 1 000)                       1-9/2006  1-9/2005  1-12/2005

Revenue                             72 338    56 603     79 365
Other operating income                 169       164         98
Materials and services              -4 860    -1 578     -2 920
Staff costs                        -50 935   -42 440    -58 072
Other operating expenses           -10 503    -9 005    -13 129
Depreciation and amortisation
expenses                            -1 527    -1 442     -1 930
Operating profit                     4 682     2 301      3 411
Financial income                        75        38        120
Financial expenses                    -160       -82       -103
Profit before taxes and
minority interest                    4 597     2 257      3 429
Income taxes                        -1 371      -647     -1 167
Profit for the financial period      3 226     1 610      2 262
Minority interest                     -307      -157        -17
Net profit for the financial
period attributable to equity
holders of the Company               2 918     1 454      2 244

Basic earnings per share, EUR         0.30      0.09       0.25

(EUR 1 000)                      30.9.2006 30.9.2005 31.12.2005

Non-current assets
Goodwill                            16 156     6 865      8 921
Intangible assets                    4 119     1 595      1 953
Property, plant and equipment        3 013     3 961      3 491
Investments available for sales        465        52        465
Deferred tax assets                     13        40         96
Non-current assets, total           23 767    12 513     14 926

Current assets
Stocks                                   0         0         25
Trade and other receivables         24 448    16 167     17 712
Financial assets at fair value
through income statement                 0       226        475
Cash and cash equivalents            4 426     2 480      4 445
Current assets, total               28 874    18 872     22 657
TOTAL ASSETS                        52 641    31 385     37 582

Capital attributable to equity holders
Share capital                        2 443     2 274      2 403
Share premium account                9 179     5 262      8 269
Cumulative translation adjustment     -191      -185       -252
Retained earnings                    6 759     6 445      6 439
Net profit for the financial period  2 918     1 454      2 244
Capital attributable to
equity holders                      21 109    15 250     19 104
Minority interest                      783     1 029      1 360
Equity, total                       21 892    16 279     20 463

Non-current liabilities
Deferred tax liability                 874       161        193
Non-current interest-bearing
liabilities                          9 194     1 718      1 414
Non-current liabilities, total      10 068     1 718      1 606

Current liabilities
Current interest-bearing
liabilities                          3 673     1 204        766
Trade and other payables            17 008    12 025     14 746
Current liabilities, total          20 681    13 389     15 512
Liabilities, total                  30 749    15 107     17 119
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES        52 641    31 385     37 582

(EUR 1 000)                       1-9/2006  1-9/2005  1-12/2005

Cash receipts from customers        70 774    53 761     73 864
Cash receipts from other
operating income                       153       154         78
Operating expenses paid             67 492    54 325     72 836
FINANCIAL ITEMS AND TAXES            3 436      -410      1 106

Interest and payment paid
for financial expenses                 142        83        103
Interest received                       75        46        120
Income taxes paid                    1 344       846        980
OPERATING CASH FLOW (A)              2 024    -1 292        144

Purchase of tangible and
intangible assets                    1 653     2 509      1 614
Acquisition of subsidiaries          9 405         0        672
Proceeds from sale of tangible
and intangible assets                  155       262        295
Purchase of other investment             0         0        845
Proceeds from sale of investment       464        42          0
INVESTMENT CASH FLOW (B)           -10 439    -2 205     -2 836

Proceeds from issuance of
share capital                            0       188        317
Short-term loans, increase           1 332         0          0
Short-term loans, decrease               0        28         28
Long-term loans, increase            9 897       519      1 423
Long-term loans, decrease              914         0          0
Dividend paid and other
profit distribution                  1 923     1 305      1 305
FINANCING CASH FLOW (C)              8 392      -625        409

INCREASE (+)/DECREASE (-)              -23    -4 122     -2 284

OF THE FINANCIAL PERIOD              4 445     6 601      6 601
CASH AND BANK EQUIVALENTS               -4         0       -128
OF THE FINANCIAL PERIOD              4 426     2 480      4 445

(EUR 1 000)

               Share   Share   Trans- Retained Minority   Total
               capital premium lation earnings interest
                       account differ.
1.1.2005           434    5 434    -19    7 743   1 208  14 800
Dividends                                -1 305    -213  -1 518
Share issue      1 969    2 835                           4 804
Changes in
ownership                                           348     348
Net profit for
the financial
period                                    2 244      17   2 261
adjustment                        -232                     -232
31.12.2005       2 403    8 269   -251    8 682   1 360  20 463

1.1.2006         2 403    8 269   -251    8 682   1 360  20 463
Dividends                                -1 923    -184  -2 107
Share issue         40      910                             950
Changes in
ownership                                          -700    -700
Net profit for
the financial
period                                    2 918     307   3 225
adjustment                          61                       61
30.9.2006        2 443    9 179   -190    9 677     783  21 892

                             1-9/2006 1-9/2005 1-12/2005 Changes
                                                         for prev.
Revenue                        72 338   56 603    79 365   27.8 %
Operating profit                4 682    2 301     3 411  103.5 %
Operating profit, %               6.5      4.1       4.3
Profit before taxes and
minority interest               4 597    2 257     3 429  103.7 %
Net profit for the period       2 918    1 454     2 244  100.7 %
Return on equity, %              20.3     13.8      12.8
Return on investment, %          22.1     17.6      18.2
Equity ratio, %                  42,0     52.0      54.7
Gross interest-bearing loans   12 867    2 908     2 180  342,5 %
Net gearing, %                   38,6      1.2     -13.4
Balance sheet total            52 641   31 385    37 582   67.7 %
Gross investments              12 281    4 756     8 311  158,2 %

Earnings per share, EUR          0.30     0.16      0.25   88,5 %
Equity per share, EUR            2.16     1.68      1.99   28,6 %

Personnel, average              1 470    1 211     1 230   21,4 %
Personnel at the end of
the period                      1 530    1 237     1 294   23,7 %