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Stock exchange release – Published: 20.12.2004 16:00:00


Etteplan Oyj and FIM Securities Ltd have signed a market making agreement 
that meets the requirements of Liquidity Providing (LP) on the Helsinki 
Stock Exchange.

According to the agreement FIM Securities Ltd will quote bids and offers
for Etteplan's share so that the spread of the bid and offer prices is a
maximum of 4 per cent calculated on the bid price. The bids and offers 
quoted by the liquidity provider must be for at least 400 shares, which
represents four trading lots.

FIM Securities Ltd shall quote bids and offers for Etteplan Oyj's share in
the trading system of the Helsinki Stock Exchange on the NM-list on each
trading day for at least 85 per cent of the Continuous Trading period and 
also in the daily opening and closing procedures applicable to the security.

Market making in accordance with the LP agreement will commence on 21.12.2004. 
The agreement will be in force initially for a fixed term of 6 months and 
thereafter under further notice, and agreement's period of notice is one month.

Hollola, 20 December 2004

Etteplan Oyj

Board of Directors

For additional information, contact: Financial Director Ritva Mönkkönen, tel.
+358 3 872 9012, GSM +358 400 485 878.

DISTRIBUTION:        Helsinki Exchanges
                     Principal media