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Digitalization & New Technologies

Compliance & Regulations

Understanding End Users’ Needs and Tailoring Technical Communication

Technical documentation is essential for product success, as it connects the product to all stakeholders. However, creating effective documentation that meets user needs is challenging. It requires following regulations, avoiding too much or irrelevant information, and understanding the purpose of the documentation. The key is striking the right balance to provide clear, useful information to users.

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Digitalization & New Technologies

SDA and hardware agnostics disrupt the world of industrial automation

In industrial automation, equipment has always been tightly coupled with closed and proprietary software. A new era of software-driven automation (SDA) and hardware agnostics is about to begin, decoupling applications and hardware from each other. This means a significant transformation that benefits both developers and owners of automation systems.

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Digitalization & New Technologies

Accelerate development with model-based design

In manufacturing industries, model-based design is gaining more and more popularity in R&D. It makes development faster, more robust, and iterative by automated code generation and almost zero need for physical devices. The testing cycle can be shortened significantly.

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Digitalization & New Technologies

Introduction to Software-Driven Automation from a DevOps Angle

Starting the move from manual or simple setups to an advanced, automated system can seem intimidating at first. However, the fundamental principles of DevOps encouraging teamwork, embracing automation, ensuring continuous delivery, and facilitating rapid feedback loops greatly ease the shift towards software-driven automation (SDA). This piece serves as your friendly guide to grasping SDA from a DevOps standpoint, presented in straightforward language for everyone to understand. Let’s dig into the practical steps that can transform how teams interact with automation.

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Digitalization & New Technologies

Software Driven Automation (SDA): harnessing the power of software for automation development

I dagens dynamiska IT-miljö har automation blivit en livsnödvändig del av många företags affärsverksamhet. Företag måste balansera de senaste cybersäkerhetshoten mot sina behov av öppna system, och aktörer söker därför ständigt efter innovativa sätt att effektivisera sina processer. Det är här som mjukvarudefinierad automation (SDA, från ”Software-Defined Automation”) kommer in i bilden.

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Digitalization & New Technologies

Taking a peek under the hood of InMotion’s race car with impressive animations

In the 21st century, we are collectively facing the challenge of climate change. Unfortunately, charging times for electric vehicles still pose an obstacle to widespread acceptance. InMotion, a student team from TU/e, has the mission to make charging electric cars as fast as a regular refueling stop. At Etteplan, we wholeheartedly embrace the future and do our part! That’s why we are proud to partner with InMotion and support them with our expertise in Computer Generated Images (CGI).

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Digitalization & New Technologies

The Changing Landscape of EV Charging: How Consumer Needs Are Shaping Business Opportunities

In recent years, there has been a significant shift in consumer needs and expectations when it comes to electric vehicle (EV) charging. As the range of electric cars continues to grow, the traditional model of fueling up at gas stations is being challenged. This change in consumer behavior is set to have a profound impact on businesses that provide EV charging and mobility services.

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Digitalization & New Technologies

Driving the Development of Alternative Fuels Services: 6 Industry Drivers

The demand for alternative fuel services, particularly electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure, is rapidly increasing across the European Union (EU). This article explores the key industry drivers that are shaping and propelling this development. Understanding these drivers is crucial for shaping the future of clean transportation and contributing to a sustainable future for all.

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Digitalization & New Technologies

How DevOps Changes Companies’ Ways of Working: Experiences and Insights from a DevOps Engineer’s Perspective

Working as a DevOps engineer is often like hiking on technology trails where old and new work methods and technologies meet. The purpose of this article is to share some of my experiences in this diverse and dynamic field and to explain how DevOps can renew and improve companies’ ways of operating.

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